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We can change the life of those who have no hope
Your donation to Faith Foundation, enables us to significantly impact on the lives of the poorest and vulnerable in our community where basic needs are extremely rare.
Faith Foundation's calling is simply to share the love of Christ in a practical way through bettering the lives of those without hope. We sincerely appreciate the assistance provided by your donations.Education
Faith Foundation introduced an early childhood development program, supporting children from ages 4-5years.
Health Care
In efforts to provide solutions to problems, vulnerable families under the care of our foundation are provided with medical insurance.
Through community programs, adult education, the foundation creates a myriad of activities and initiatives beneļ¬ting people of all ages.
Get Involved
We are a few people with a few resources . We need more people to join us in order to reach more people. Come join us give hope to those with none.
You can help them
"Faith is the most incredible woman I've ever met. She spends her youthful days identifying families in need and caring for their children. She provides education and meals... The very essence of life."Features

Faith builds a future
"IN THE WEST we would call Faith Uwantege an enteprenuer. To create her own foundation and building a school in her community in Rwanda, Ms Uwantege drained her own personal savings.." London Church Times.